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Typically breast cancer 5k in washington dc purchase fertomid with amex, a prostate gland is approx imately 3 cm wide and 4 cm long pregnancy 7th week order 50mg fertomid free shipping, and its two lobes are symmetrical in size and shape womens healthcare associates boca raton cheap fertomid 50 mg with mastercard. If you have long fingers, try to palpate for the seminal vesicles, which are superior and lateral to the prostate gland, for palpability and tenderness. During the prostate examination, feel the rectal walls to check for polyps, fissures, internal hemorrhoids, and tumors. If, given the clients history and the examination findings, you think that the client may have prostatitis, check the urethral meatus during the prostate examination for any discharge that might indicate this condition. When you have finished the genital examination, explain to the client that you are about to withdraw your finger. After the rectal examination, take a sample of stool from your glove to test for occult blood. Explain to the client that he should have an annual rectal examination for occult blood and prostate disorders. Overview: Inspecting the Prostate Gland When you inspect the prostate gland, keep in mind the following points: Poor sphincter tone (a very relaxed sphincter) indicates that the client has a history of either anal penetration (which is common among male homosexuals) or possi ble neurological deficit. In neurological disorders with widespread nerve involve ment, both sensory and motor nerves may be affected. The effect on sensory nerves may lead to decreased sensation in the clients perianal area. A prostate gland also may have a somewhat soft, boggy consistency if ejaculation is infrequent or if chronic infection impairs the drainage of prostatic fluid. Give the client tissues to wipe away excess lubricant used during the examination. Once the client has dressed, meet with him to review the examination findings, answer any questions that he may have, discuss treatment and management plans and refer rals, and provide client education. If you will need to take a urethral smear during the second visit, explain to the client that he cannot urinate for two hours beforehand, to prevent washing away any urethral secretions. Write the examination findings on the clients chart as soon as possible after the exam ination to avoid omitting any important details.

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