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Regeneration is the replacement of lost cells and tissues with cells of the same type erectile dysfunction pills that work red viagra 200mg generic. Repair is healing as a result of lost cells being replaced by connective tissue of different origin erectile dysfunction young age causes 200mg red viagra sale. Stable cells retain their ability to erectile dysfunction age 30 buy cheap red viagra on-line regenerate but do so only if the organism injured. Primary Intention Primary intention healing takes place when wound margins are nearly approximated, such as in a surgical incision or paper cut. In some instances a primary lesion may become infected, creating additional inflammation. Healing and granulation takes place form the edges inward and from the bottom of the wound upward until the defect is filled. Tertiary intention Tertiary intention (delayed primary intention) healing occurs with delayed suturing of a wound in which two layers of 44 Pathophysiology granulation tissue are suture together. This occurs when a contaminated wound is left open and sutured closed after the infection is controlled. It also occurs when a primary wound becomes infected, is opened, is allowed to graduate, and is then sutured. Tertiary intention usually results in a larger and deeper scar than primary or secondary intention. Bone Healings Bone healing occurs in a similar manner with soft tissue healing, but it is however more complex and takes longer time. Although the exact mechanism is controversial; the following five stages are identified: 1) Stage of Hematoma Formation: Occurs during the first 48-72 hours following fracture. Then bone calcifies as mineral salt deposit to form true callus in 3-4 weeks time.

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