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He also fre quently referred in his text to blood pressure chart male cheap 5mg nebivolol with amex other authors without giving any bibliograph ic reference; as far as possible I have identified relevant references for these blood pressure during exercise cheap nebivolol, and incorporated them in the Translators References pp heart attack chords cheap nebivolol 2.5mg fast delivery. The index does not include bibliographic references, figure legends, or footnotes. References to animal species is limited to the most fully described ones (see the Glossary of Species Names, p297, for more details). A detailed understanding of the blood supply of the cerebral cortex and its fiber systems is extremely important since blockage and rupture of these vessels accounts for a large proportion of the pathology of the brain. An extremely important point is that even though there usually are small anastomoses between branches of the different cerebral arteries or between cerebral arteries and dural arteries, these anastomoses are inadequate to supply sufficient blood to prevent loss of function. Typically, blockage of any one of the three arteries supplying the cerebral cortex (distal to their origin at the Circle of Willis) produces a rapid and irreversible destruction of a large region of cortex, although the exact extent of destruction is somewhat variable in different individuals as a result of differences in the extent of anastomoses. The pattern of distribution of the three arteries to the cerebral cortex (anterior, middle, and posterior cerebral) is seen in figures 2-4. The arterial supply for some of the more important parts of the cortex is as follows: Visual cortex (areas 17, 18, 19) in occipital lobe: posterior cerebral Somatic sensory (areas 3, 1, 2) and motor cortex (areas 4 & 6): anterior cerebral and middle cerebral. The foot and leg representations which are found medially are supplied by the anterior cerebral; the remainder of the body is supplied by the middle cerebral. Auditory cortex (areas 41, 42): middle cerebral Wernickes (area 22) and Brocas (area 45) speech areas: middle cerebral supplies the cortex, but anterior cerebral supplies some of the underlying white matter so that blockage of this artery can also interfere with speech. Medial aspect of temporal lobe, including much of the hippocampus (limbic system structure to be discussed in later lecture): posterior cerebral. Brodmanns areas the numbers given to visual, somatic sensory, motor and auditory cortex listed above were assigned to these areas in the early 1900s by a researcher named Brodmann. Amazingly, many of these boundaries that were delineated on the basis of the cellular appearance of the cortex (called cytoarchitecture) still have functional significance today. Although the major lobes (frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital) of the brain do not serve as functional areas, many clinicians speak of these zones so it is important to know the boundaries between frontal and parietal (the central sulcus) and between temporal and frontal (the Sylvian or lateral fissure). I would also like you to know the positions of the major areas of Brodmann as they relate to these lobes. Cerebral cortex 596 Venous Drainage There are names for many of the veins that drain the cerebral cortex, but they are not really important because unlike the cerebral arteries anatomoses between these veins are so extensive that blockage of even large ones typically does not result in infarction of the brain (although it can occur). Rupture of large veins can be of significant clinical importance but we will not discuss it here.

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